Friday, March 23, 2012

Yay! More Favellas

 Here, we looked at the urban plan to remove some of the favella so that the city can install infrastructure for the people in the favella.
 Here we can see that this favella was different than the ones we visited in Rio de Janiero. They were much more developed and seemed to be a lot more developed. They were less like a favella and more like a poor part of the city.

 A slaughter house that had chickens. It didn't smell very good either.
 The architect told us that the removal of the families in the favellas was generally accepted. This graffiti was a protest to the removals. Loosely translated it mean "what about those of us here god damn it."
Here are some of the socialized housing that the removed families are forced to live in. There are fairly large humanitarian and political debates about how to properly handle the situation of the favellas. We got into a few discussions ourselves about the proper way to handle the situation.

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