Sunday, March 18, 2012

[inFO]RMal - Group 1 Newsstand

Map of interests and popular topics city-wide

Conceptual animation showing how interests in media topics may change over time (click image to view animation)

Our first idea of how the newsstands could link together and glow different colors based on where they are on the map
 Our final design of the newsstands is a portable wall with a circular canopy and bench for seating and discussion on one side. The other side has a large touchscreen where several people can view digital media which will update the map. As the map is updated, the stand will also change color. For example, if a newsstand is located near a sports bar on game day and the people at the bar use the stand to read sports articles, then the newsstand will slowly start glowing green because the color for sports topics is green.
The stands may be moved to events such as the Lapa Street Festival where the stands may direct foot traffic and create alcoves with seating

Newsstands at the beach will provide shade and mark main entrances to the beach

Stands at stadiums and sports bars may link together to create large TV screens for watching the game

Individual stands may sit next to existing newsstands that are scattered throughout the cities. This will provide the digital news in addition to physical copies

Stands placed in the favellas would keep near-by residents connected to the rest of the city and world-wide events

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